Professional wingwalker since 2019
Gemma continues to excel as the Formation Wingwalker, with the extremely important job of keeping the timing of the Wingwalkers perfect. She has wingwalked throughout the UK and Europe, with her favourite view so far flying along the Jurassic Coast surrounded by our wonderful vintage aircraft.
Some of Gemma’s favourite moves include the ‘Goose’ pass, where the Wingwalkers unstrap from the main harness and sit on the leading edge, as well as the aircraft performing barrel rolls. Gemma is used to performing such elegant moves due to her background as a Professional Dancer, previously touring shows in Panama and Crete. Gemma has also ventured as far as India to qualify as a multi style yoga teacher.
Gemma loves being part of the team, and is eager to explore more of the world on top of the wing. The feeling of exhilaration she gets from her job is unmatched and she cannot wait to continue her journey being a Professional Wingwalker!